Best Investment Banking Schools

Investment banking requires more than a bachelor’s. To get into the field, you need a specific GPA, an in-depth understanding and a strong network. Many prospective financial professionals are unsure of which institutions will be the most beneficial in pursuing their career.

Typically, investment banks in the bulk bracket employ for analyst and associate positions certain universities. These are called “target schools.” If you’re hoping to get an executive position at a top investment bank, it’s crucial to attend one of these schools.

The best investment banking schools are ones that consistently send an impressive number of graduates to the biggest investment banks and have impressive numbers of undergrads being placed. Some of these schools have extracurricular activities and student groups that provide students with exposure to the industry. Examples include the Stern Finance Society or Booth’s famous Finance Curriculum.

This year, Cornell is the best investment banking school followed by MIT and Columbia. All three schools are Ivy League and have a tradition of sending graduates to Wall Street. The University of Texas at Austin is another school that made the cut. Its McCombs School of Business has a finance degree and an Investment Banking track.

While you could still be accepted into the top investment bank even not attending the school of your choice but it’s significantly more difficult. The most realistic path for students who aren’t targeted is to sign up with a regional middle market firm and then slowly lateral to an upward-facing bracket.


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