Interview Questions for Remote Managers: A Practical Guide

It’s human nature to interact primarily with the people in the same space as you. As a remote employee, your disembodied, televised head is often floating out of eyeline, off in the background. As conversation picks up, it can be hard to get a word in edge-wise. If you wait for the perfect opportunity, you might never have a chance to speak. As a remote worker, I have roughly the same number of meetings as I did when I worked in-office. One of the myths of remote work is that it’s “lone wolf” territory, meant for contractors who need little guidance and have little oversight.

  • This feels pretty harsh to me, and yet it still comes out to a much more generous salary than is common in Montreal.
  • But remember that your resume is just the start for presenting yourself as a solid candidate for a remote position.
  • You always finish urgent things on time anyway because they’re urgent!
  • Make sure you explain what steps you take, how you triage things, and that you aren’t afraid to ask for help when you’re in over your head.
  • If you’re unemployed, say you’re in a full-time job search and not currently working.
  • Remote job interview questions such as this are intended to sort out people who can effectively manage working at home from those who just think it would be nice but are not truly equipped for remote jobs.
  • A hiring manager wants some reassurance that the environment you would be working in is comfortable, allows you to be productive, and is reasonably free from distractions.

At one role in particular, about 50% of the engineering department was remote, while 100% of the executive team (and most managers) were in-office. A good chunk of the executive team was new to the org, and they had come from organizations that were not remote-friendly. This meant that in-office “individual contributors” (ICs) were able to form relationships with senior leadership in a way that remote workers weren’t. This trend highlights the importance of maintaining a work-life balance and creating a dedicated workspace for those working remotely. It underscores the need for a healthy work-life balance, where personal life and work-life balance remain prioritized alongside job responsibilities in a remote office setting. Furthermore, asking, “What initiatives have you taken in the past to boost team morale remotely?

Time Management and Organization Remote Job Interview Questions

Employers want to see that you’ve been successful and accomplished while working remotely. They may want to know if you were the sole remote worker in a previous role, work from home experience or if the whole company worked remotely. And they may also be curious about what your home office setup is like, but that information can be conveyed in an interview.

describe your experience working remotely

Writing is key when you are working remotely, you need to demonstrate that you understand this and have experience driving projects forward with writing. ” Doing so will give you an insight into the individual’s familiarity with remote work software. To give you a hand, we asked three managers to share some of the questions they ask candidates for remote jobs—as well as the answers they’re looking for. To make sure you’re on top of all these questions, download my FREE interview prep worksheet, where you can review what you might be asked and write out your own answers in detail. You’ll be ready for your remote job interview in no time at all, so you can get that remote job you’ve been dreaming of for so long. Maintaining culture is more difficult when managing a distributed team, so hiring managers are especially careful of this when hiring for remote jobs.

Performance Management

Here are some examples of questions you can ask aspiring remote team members. If you’ve had a remote job, perfect — go ahead and talk about your remote successes. The purpose of this question is to make sure you understand the nature of remote work — and its downsides. Before your interview, especially if you know it’s a behavioral interview, pick out several of these traits and think of times you’ve showcased these skills in the workplace.

  • Of course, a flourishing remote work company culture depends on members feeling valued and included.
  • If you have a spouse or other family members, send them out for some errands.
  • Some employees need more guidance than others, but remote employees need to work independently from their managers and team.
  • You might also draw on experiences similar to working remotely, like freelancing, completing online coursework or certifications, or even working away from the office due to illness or travel.
  • When asked this, let your interviewer know of all the things you like to do when not working.
  • If the company has recently transitioned to a remote model, you might ask about how the transition is going, what tools they’re using to keep the team together, and how going remote has affected the company culture.


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